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What do I need in a 72-hour kit? And Where Should I Store it?

Are you prepared in case of an emergency? Natural catastrophes, power outages, and other unforeseen occurrences may occur at any moment, leaving you and your family without basic essentials. However, with a well-stocked 72-hour kit, you can be certain that you and your family will be able to live for at least three days.

Consider a 72-hour kit to be your own survival kit, with critical goods that will help you weather any storm. A 72-hour kit is meant to supply you with the resources you need to be safe and comfortable in an emergency, including food and water, shelter and first-aid supplies, tools, and emergency equipment.

A 72-hour pack may not only provide you with the piece of mind that comes from being prepared, but it can also help you react swiftly and efficiently to any emergency scenario.

The majority of folks are unsure about what to put in their emergency pack. Not to worry, we'll go through some of the most critical things to have in a 72-hour pack today.

Food and Water: Non-perishable, easy-to-prepare food and at least three liters of water per person are required.

First Aid Kit: Bandages, gauze, adhesive tape, antiseptic wipes, painkillers, and any prescription prescriptions required. A first-aid handbook or basic first-aid training might be beneficial as well.

Personal care: Toothpaste, toothbrushes, wet wipes, tissues, and feminine hygiene products are provided, as is a trash bag for the safe disposal of old goods.

What do I need in a 72-hour kit

Communication and light: A torch with additional batteries, a hand-crank or battery-powered radio to listen to updates and news, and a whistle to alert for assistance are all recommended. Consider a backup power source, such as a portable phone charger.

Cash: Have some cash on hand in case ATMs or credit card machines fail.

Important document copies: Keep copies of crucial papers in a waterproof and portable container, such as passports, IDs, birth certificates, and insurance policies.

Cooking supplies: A portable stove or camping equipment, such as a camping pot, to prepare meals if your home's kitchen is unavailable.

Water purification supplies: A water purification system, such as a water filter or water purification tablets, to provide access to safe drinking water.

Medicines: Prescription drugs, over-the-counter pain relievers, and any other medical supplies that are required. Make a list of all drugs, doses, and allergies for each member of your family.

Pet supplies: If you have pets, add food, water, and any prescriptions they may need in your 72-hour pack.

Hand-crank or solar-powered devices: When electricity is unavailable, a solar-powered or hand-crank flashlight, radio, or charging device might be beneficial.

Updating your 72-hour emergency kit

Regrettably, even the greatest emergency kits are often upgraded. You may need various clothing sizes, meals (including canned items) expire, and flashlight batteries must be checked and replenished.

Every six months, go over your family's emergency kits and decide how to maintain them up to date. One approach to remember this is to designate a specific time, such as the shift to Daylight Savings Time. When that day arrives, you know it's time to go over your 72-hour kit. You might also use your smartphone to create a calendar reminder to refresh your kit.

How should you keep your supplies?

Supplies should ideally be kept in a waterproof, wheeled suitcase or container. In case you need to flee your house, your equipment must be portable. If you have baggage, pack your items and place them in them while not traveling. The bags may be removed for travel.

For convenient access, keep medicines, cash, and vital papers in an external pouch. Your First Aid kit and water supply should be easily accessible as well.

Check your kit often and replenish/swap materials as required. Checking your kit every time you change your clocks is a simple way to remember.

What do I need in a 72-hour kit

Where Should You Keep Your 72-Hour Kit?

It is critical to have a 72-hour kit on hand, but it is also critical to keep it in a readily accessible position in case of an emergency. Here are some suggestions on where to keep your 72-hour kit:

Near Front Door: A closet or shelf near your front door is a smart alternative since you can quickly collect your gear and depart in the event of an evacuation.

In your Car: Consider carrying a smaller, portable version of your 72-hour pack in your vehicle. This is particularly helpful if you get trapped on the road or need to flee quickly.

In your basement or garage: As long as it's conveniently accessible, a dedicated room in your garage or basement might also be a smart solution.

At work or school: If you spend a lot of time away from home, consider keeping a 72-hour kit on hand.

Family member's home: If you have family members who reside nearby, consider keeping a 72-hour package at their house as well, just in case you need to evacuate quickly.

Make your kit simple to grab and go in case of an emergency, and consider clearly labeling it so that everyone in your home knows where it is and how to obtain it.


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