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Innovative Ways to Heat Your Greenhouse in the Winter

Updated: Feb 27, 2023

Knowing how to heat a greenhouse is essential if you live in a colder climate or want to experiment with growing more exotic plants that demand a lot of heat. Fortunately, there are several solutions available.

Whatever greenhouse ideas you choose, keeping your plants warm throughout the winter months will keep them healthy and prevent moisture and illness. It will also promote germination for any early sowings, allowing you to reap the benefits of an earlier crop. Furthermore, if your greenhouse is warm, you're more likely to want to spend time in it, whether for gardening duties or just to rest in your own botanical refuge.

We've compiled a list of the most innovative greenhouse heating methods to assist you in determining the best technique for your plot.

Is it necessary to heat your greenhouse throughout the winter?

This is an essential issue that you should think about carefully before deciding to add extra heat to your greenhouse.

Heating your greenhouse in the winter is completely unnecessary in certain areas.

Assume your winter nighttime temperature seldom falls below 30 degrees. In such a situation, you may use your greenhouse to produce a range of cold-tolerant vegetables all the way until spring without doing any additional labor.

However, if you have severe winters with temperatures routinely in the single digits or lower, you will need to add some type of additional heating, regardless of how resistant your crops are.

Solar Passive Heating

Passive solar heating is an easy and inexpensive method to heat your greenhouse in the winter. This heating system works by allowing the sun's rays to enter the greenhouse and warm the air and soil within.

This may be accomplished by putting glass or translucent panels on the greenhouse's roof and walls to let sunlight to flow through. During the winter, the panels should be positioned to get the most sunlight. To enhance the efficacy of passive solar heating, the greenhouse should be well insulated to avoid heat loss.

Heat Your Greenhouse in the Winter

Wood-Burning Stoves

A wood-burning stove may be the correct solution for you if you want a more traditional means of heating. Stoves are simple to install and offer a consistent source of heat. They also give a warm environment and the soothing fragrance of burning wood.

It is essential to follow correct safety standards while operating a wood-burning stove to limit the danger of fire. Additionally, be cautious of the pollutants created by burning wood and ensure that the stove is properly vented to minimize any bad environmental consequences.

Electrical Heating

Another alternative for heating your greenhouse is to employ electrical heating devices such as electric radiators and heat lamps. They are easy to set up and operate, and they offer a rapid and efficient source of heat.

However, they may be costly to operate, particularly if used on a regular basis. To prevent overloading your electrical system, it is essential to choose the proper kind and size of the heater when utilizing electrical heating systems. Furthermore, observe adequate safety standards to limit the danger of fire and electrical shock.

Thermal mass

Creating a thermal mass or heat sink is one of the simplest and least costly ways to warm greenhouses in the cold. These are items that collect heat throughout the day and release it during cold nights. It will elevate the temperature by one or two degrees, which may make all the difference.

Placing water containers in the greenhouse is a common way of producing thermal mass. Capped one-gallon plastic bottles loaded three-quarters full of water may be put among the plants in smaller greenhouses. To maximize heat absorption, the jugs may be painted black, or black food coloring can be added to the water.

Geothermal Heating

Geothermal heating is an environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution to heat your greenhouse. The steady temperature of the soil is used to manage the temperature within the greenhouse in this type of heating. Digging a trench or borehole and attaching a loop of plastic tubing filled with a water-antifreeze solution constitutes a geothermal heating system.

The loop is then linked to a heat pump, which distributes warm air throughout the greenhouse. Geothermal heating systems are very effective because they utilize the steady temperature of the ground to manage the temperature within the greenhouse, hence lowering energy usage.

Heat Your Greenhouse in the Winter


Whether you've chosen one of the finest little greenhouses or a bigger design, preventing heat loss is one of the most efficient methods to keep it warm - whether you're utilizing a supplemental heat source or not.

Check for and caulk any cracks around windows and doors. Check if you can still open them for ventilation.

To keep the cold out, line your greenhouse with horticultural bubble wrap. Make sure the glass is clean first, and choose one with big bubbles so that lots of sunshine can pass through. Keep in mind that reduced light will harm certain crops: avoid applying insulation around more cold-hardy winter lettuces and alpines.

A layer of horticultural fleece over your sensitive plants and seedlings may help them survive on really cold nights.


Keeping your greenhouse warm throughout the winter months is critical for your plants' survival and development. There are numerous unique methods to heat your greenhouse throughout the winter, whether you utilize passive solar heating, geothermal heating, wood-burning stoves, propane heaters, electrical heating, or solar heating panels. Consider your unique requirements and choose a heating system that is cost-effective, efficient, and safe for you and your plants.

For all your greenhouse and hardware needs, we recommend visiting our website at Homesteaders West. We provide a wide variety of goods and services, such as heating systems, insulation materials, and other necessary greenhouse supplies. Our trained staff is here to answer any questions you may have and to help you select the best items for your requirements.

Don't allow the cold winter to harm your plants; instead, visit our website now and begin creating the right atmosphere for your plants to grow!


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