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Drink Up! Creative Ways to Store and Preserve Water for Hydration and Cooking

Updated: Mar 9, 2023

Many of us take the availability of clean and safe drinking water for granted, even though it is an essential component of our day-to-day life. In an instant, our access to water can be cut off by natural disasters, power outages, and water shortages, leaving us without a dependable water supply for drinking and cooking.

Because of this, it is essential to have water stored away for use in an emergency. In this piece, we'll go into the many techniques for preserving water, including helpful hints and suggestions for maintaining the quality of the water you've kept so that it remains potable and fresh over time. In an emergency or a water scarcity, you can guarantee that you will always have access to clean and safe drinking water by adhering to these rules.

Begin saving water as soon as possible; do not put it off until it is too late.

Water-Storage Dos and Don'ts:

· To avoid the formation of algae and to make the shelf life of the water last longer, store it in an area that is cold and dark.

· Keep water where it can be quickly accessible in an unexpected crisis.

· In an emergency, you should always have stored at least one gallon of water per person per day.

Storing water is one of the easiest steps you can take to guarantee that you will always have access to clean and safe drinking water, even in the event of a crisis or a shortage. By storing it correctly and doing routine maintenance, you can guarantee that the water you have saved is safe and available to use whenever you need it.

Store Water for Drinking or Cooking

Plastic containers

Water is often and conveniently stored in plastic containers because of its widespread use and convenience. They come in a wide variety of dimensions and forms, which makes them perfect for both temporary and permanent forms of storage. It is essential to confirm that the containers are suitable for food storage and are manufactured from non-hazardous components, such as high-density polyethylene (HDPE).

HDPE is a kind of plastic that does not release any potentially toxic compounds into the water, making it an excellent choice for packaging food and drinks. Be careful to properly clean and sterilize any containers used for filling before putting them to use. This can be done by cleaning the containers in hot water with soap and then rinsing them in a mixture of water and bleach once they have been cleaned (1 teaspoon of bleach per gallon of water).

Glass Containers

Water can also be stored in glass containers if you prefer that option. Because it is made of a non-reactive substance, the glass will not alter the flavor or purity of the water in any way. In addition, glass storage containers are simple to disinfect and clean. Glass containers, on the other hand, are more prone to breakage and are much heavier than their plastic counterparts, making it more difficult to store and carry them.

If you decide to store water in glass containers, you should identify them with the date that the water was added and change the water in the containers every six months to keep the water tasting good and ensure that it is safe to consume.

Stainless steel Containers

One further alternative for keeping water is in containers made of stainless steel. They are long-lasting, won't break, and won't allow potentially hazardous compounds to seep into the water. In addition to this, cleaning and sterilizing them is a breeze. Containers made of stainless steel are available in various sizes and forms, making them an excellent choice for storing items for either a short or a long period.

When keeping water in containers made of stainless steel, it is important to mark the containers with the date that the water was added and to change the water in the containers every six months to guarantee that the water stays clean and is safe to consume.


A barrel with a capacity of 55 gallons is a huge, heavy-duty container that can store a significant quantity of liquid, such as water. It is essential to be certain that the barrel is fit for human consumption and constructed from non-hazardous materials, such as high-density polyethylene (HDPE). Once it has been filled, a 55-gallon barrel can be difficult to move, so it is better to keep it in an area where it will not need to be moved as often as possible. Before using a 55-gallon barrel, ensure it has been meticulously cleaned and sanitized first.

This can be done by scrubbing the barrel with hot, soapy water and then rinsing it with a solution consisting of equal parts water and bleach (1 teaspoon of bleach per gallon of water). Put a date stamp on the barrel indicating when it was filled, and change the water in the barrel once every three months to keep it tasting good and safe to drink.

Store Water for Drinking or Cooking

Water Dispenser

A water dispenser is a practical technique to put water away for later use. It is essential to ensure that the dispenser is constructed from non-hazardous materials and is simple to clean and disinfect. Drinking water and water for cooking can be easily obtained via a water dispenser since the water can be dispensed straight from the faucet.

When utilizing a water dispenser, it is important to ensure that the water's quality is checked regularly and that the dispenser itself is cleaned and sanitized as required.


In conclusion, water storage is an important step to guarantee that you will have access to clean and safe drinking water in the event of an emergency or water scarcity. You can rest easy knowing that you will always have a dependable water supply for drinking and cooking if you are equipped with the appropriate equipment and know how to store it properly.

It is important to keep in mind that to maintain the water's quality, it must be stored in containers that are food-grade, the containers must be labeled with the date that the water was stored, and the water must be replaced every six months. You can ensure that you and the people you care about will never be without access to clean and safe drinking water by simply adhering to these simple recommendations. Therefore, invest in your tranquility and start saving water as soon as possible since you never know when you may need it.


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