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Harvesting Honey: A Step-byStep Guide on How to Harvest Honey from your Bees

Updated: Feb 8, 2023

Harvesting and collecting honey from your bees is a rewarding experience that can provide you with a sweet, natural product for personal use or sale. However, it is important to handle the process correctly to ensure the health and safety of your bees. Here is a step-by-step guide to harvesting and collecting honey from your bees.

Step 1: Prepare Your Equipment

You will need the following items to harvest your honey:

  • Protective clothing: A bee suit, gloves, and veil are essential for protecting yourself from bee stings.

  • Hive tools (L-Hook and J-Hook): Hive tools are used to pry open the hives and separate the frames.

  • Smoker: A smoker is used to calm the bees and prevent them from becoming agitated during the harvesting process.

  • Uncapping knife or uncapping fork: An uncapping knife or an uncapping fork is used to remove the wax cappings from the honeycomb to reveal the honey.

  • Brush: A brush is used to wipe off any bees that are still on the frame when it is removed from the hive.

  • Frame Grip: A frame grip is able to easily remove the full frames from the hive.

  • Honey Straining Net: A honey straining net strains out all of the wax, leaving you with pure honey.

  • Extractor: An extractor is used to spin the honey out of the comb and into a bucket.

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Step 2: Inspect the Hive

Before you start harvesting, inspect the hive to ensure that it is healthy and ready for harvesting. You should only harvest honey from hives that have a strong, healthy population of bees and a good food supply.

Step 3: Smoke the Hive

Smoke the entrance of the hive with your smoker to calm the bees and prevent them from becoming agitated during the harvesting process. This will also mask the alarm pheromones produced by the bees, reducing the likelihood of them attacking you.

Step 4: Remove the Frames

Use your hive tool and frame grip to pry open the hives and carefully remove the frames. Look for frames that are predominantly filled with honey, as these are the frames that you want to harvest. You can tell if the frames are full if the cells are capped off (the bees cap off the cell with wax once it is full of honey).

Step 5: Uncapping the Honeycomb

Use your uncapping knife or uncapping fork to remove the wax cappings from the honeycomb. This will reveal the honey and allow it to be extracted.

Step 6: Extracting the Honey

Place the uncapped frames in your extractor and spin them to extract the honey. The honey will be forced out of the comb and into the bottom of the extractor, from where it can be collected into a bucket.

Step 7: Strain the Honey

Strain the honey into a bucket with the straining net to remove any debris or wax that may have been mixed in during the extraction process.

Step 8: Store the Honey

Once the honey has been strained, transfer it to clean, airtight containers for storage. Store the honey in a cool, dark place to prevent spoilage.


Harvesting and collecting honey from your bees can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it is important to handle the process correctly to ensure the health and safety of your bees. With the right equipment and a little patience, you can enjoy a delicious and natural product from your own hives.


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