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Beginner's Guide to Raising Backyard Chickens

Backyard chickens have grown in popularity in recent years for a good reason. Chickens give a steady supply of fresh eggs and are also fun to watch, and may aid your garden's health by delivering natural fertilizer. If you're considering raising your backyard chicken colony, you need first learn the fundamentals.

From choosing the best breeds to giving proper care and managing eggs, this beginner's guide will cover all you need to know to get started. Raising backyard chickens can be fun and rewarding for the whole family with a little work and the correct tools.

But why would you want to have hens in your backyard?

Why Raise Chickens?

You should consider growing hens in your backyard for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the most significant advantages:

Fresh Eggs

One of the most apparent advantages of owning hens is having access to fresh eggs. Store-bought eggs might be several weeks old when you buy them, but eggs from your backyard birds will be fresh and tasty. They also allow you to control what your hens consume, ensuring that their eggs are nutritious and healthy. You'll be able to enjoy eggs in their most natural state, free of the preservatives and additives present in commercially farmed eggs.

Your Garden Fertilizer

Another benefit of owning hens is that they provide fertilizer for your plants. Chickens create manure that can enhance the soil in your garden, allowing your plants to grow stronger and produce more harvests. Chicken dung is high in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, critical elements for plant development.


Chickens are intriguing and enjoyable to observe. They have distinct personalities, and studying their behavior may be fun. Raising hens teaches responsibility since you must care for them every day. Whether you're an experienced farmer or a novice, chickens provide many possibilities to learn and have fun.

Guide to Raising Backyard Chickens

Your Guide to Raising Backyard Chickens

Concentrate on sanitation.

Keep the surroundings clean before new chicks arrive and during the growth phase. Because young chicks are vulnerable to early health concerns, clean all items before use and again every week.

The right home disinfectants may be effective. Read the guidelines carefully to verify that your disinfectant is safe and does not leave a residue film. If the cleaner is fully rinsed after cleaning, a combination of 10% bleach and 90% water might work effectively.

Selecting Your Chickens

When selecting chickens, consider their breed, size, and personality. Some breeds, such as Rhode Island Reds and Leghorns, are excellent egg layers, while others, like Plymouth Rocks, are gentle and simple to care for. It is important to choose a breed that is appropriate for your requirements and lifestyle. You must also decide how many hens you wish to keep. Allow 4 square feet of coop area per chicken as a basic rule of thumb.

Putting Together Your Chicken Coop

The coop will provide your hens with a secure and cozy area to sleep and deposit their eggs. A decent coop should protect against the weather, predators, and pests. The number of chickens will determine the size of the coop. Allow 10-12 square feet per bird as a general guideline. To keep your hens healthy, the coop should be well-ventilated. A nesting box, roosts, and an access door are all necessary components of a coop. When constructing a coop, consider the location, size, and ventilation. A tiny coop will be crowded and unpleasant for your hens, while a big coop would be difficult to keep warm in the winter.

Watering and Feeding Your Chickens

Chickens need a well-balanced diet of feed, water, and treats on occasion. You may purchase commercial chicken feed designed to fulfill their nutritional requirements. Feed your hens in the morning and replenish their feeders as required. It is also critical to have clean water available at all times. Chickens consume a lot of water, so clean and refresh their water containers regularly. Good feed and clean water are vital for keeping your hens happy and healthy.

Taking Care of Your Chickens

Caring for your hens is a daily commitment that should not be underestimated. You should give a safe and clean living environment in addition to feeding and watering. Cleaning the coop regularly and eliminating waste or filthy bedding can keep your hens healthy and free of parasites and sickness. Chickens also need frequent access to fresh air and sunshine for their physical and mental well-being.

It's also critical to inspect your hens for any symptoms of disease or damage. Lethargy, a lack of food, and odd behavior are common sickness symptoms. If you observe any sickness symptoms, you should seek veterinary assistance immediately. Regular health check-ups may help prevent diseases from worsening.

Guide to Raising Backyard Chickens

Egg Handling

Handling eggs is an essential part of keeping backyard hens. It is essential to treat eggs with care to retain their quality and safety. Begin by properly cleaning your hands before touching the eggs, then gently take them from the nest box, taking care not to fracture or damage them. Inspect each egg for cracks or damage and remove those that are broken or have holes in them since these might give an entrance site for germs.

Store the eggs in a clean, cold area, such as a refrigerator or pantry, and if you want to consume them, be sure to wash them properly before breaking them open to eliminate any dirt or germs that may have collected on the eggshell.


Raising backyard chickens is fun and fulfilling, with several advantages, such as fresh eggs, garden fertilizer, and entertainment. You may begin your own backyard chicken-keeping experience by following these basic recommendations. Whether you're a novice or an expert, there's always something new to discover and love about these wonderful creatures. Your backyard hens will flourish with appropriate care and attention, giving you years of delight.

In addition to the above, it is essential to have the proper hardware and materials to grow chickens properly. The correct equipment, from chicken coops and feeders to bedding and feed, can make your chicken-keeping experience much easier and more pleasurable. That is why we propose visiting Homesteaders West, your one-stop shop, for all your chicken-keeping requirements. We offer everything you need to keep your hens healthy, happy, and well-fed, whether you're just starting or seeking to enhance your current setup.


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