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Are You Passionate About Self-Reliance? Would You Like to Help Your Community Become More Self-Reliant?


Organizing a community self-reliance fair is a great way to promote skills and knowledge that can help individuals and families become more self-sufficient.


A self-reliance fair can include workshops on topics such as gardening, food preservation, homesteading, and basic survival skills. You can also invite vendors to showcase their products and services, such as tools, equipment, and educational resources. By bringing together like-minded individuals and organizations, a self-reliance fair can inspire and educate your community on the benefits of self-sufficiency, and provide opportunities to connect and share knowledge.


So why not take the initiative and organize a self-reliance fair for your own community?

Organizing a fair involves a lot of work, which is why we have created a FREE comprehensive document that outlines everything you need to do!

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This document covers the following topics listed below, plus some extra tips and ideas.

Organizational Committee


Fair Format



The Day of the Fair


Questions? Get in touch to learn more.

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